Sunday, May 22, 2011

kisah burung

Why do birds fly in a V formation?

The next time you see ducks or geese flying in a V, watch them for a while to see if the lead bird changes. Canada geese do this, and I suspect other species do, too. 
Since whoever is up front is working the hardest, every now and then the birds 
make a switch. The leader drops back usually all the way back, where wind drag is the lowest and a rested bird comes to the front. While there is no single, unchanging leader for a V of birds on the move, it is the oldest, experienced individuals who are calling the navigational shots, using the sun and the stars at night to orient themselves and stay on course.
Sama prinsipnya dalam buat kerja kerja amal.... sesiapa yang ada kelapangan dan kepakaran, 
maka angkatlah tangan, volunteerla kepakaran anda. Jadilah burung yang berada di depan dan tiada istilah aku ketua untuk selama-lamanya dalam kita berbakti kepada masyarakat.